Chapter 3 Psychology Vocab


67 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Central nervous system (CNS)
Part of nervous system containing brain and spinal cord that enables mind and behavior
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Nerves in the body that extend outside the central nervous system (contains autonomic nervous system)
Forward part of the brain that allows advanced intellectual abilities; also known as the cerebellum
Cerebral cortex
Outermost part of the forebrain; responsible for analyzing sensory processing and higher brain functions
Autonomic nervous system
Part of the PNS controlling the involuntary actions of our internal organs and glands, which (along with the limbic system) participates in emotion (contains sympathetic/parasympathetic divisions)
Sympathetic division
Part of the autonomic nervous system engaged during a crisis, or after actions requiring fight or flight
Parasympathetic division
Part of autonomic nervous system that controls rest and digestion
Brain stem
Regulates control of involuntary functions such as breathing and heart rate
Broca's area
Language area in the prefrontal cortex that helps to control speech production
Serious speech deficit that renders a person unable to communicate effectively
Parietal lobe
Upper middle part of the cerebral cortex lying behind the frontal lobe specialized for touch and perception
Association cortex
Regions of the cerebral cortex that integrate simpler functions to perform more complex functions
Temporal lobe
Lower part of cerebral cortex below the temples, which plays roles in hearing, understanding language, and memory
Wernicke's Area
Part of the temporal lobe involved in understanding speech
Prefrontal cortex
Influences various aspects of behavior and personality (p.113)