Chapter 20 - Chemical Texture (2 of 2) Flashcards

​Start studying for Chapter 20 - chemical Texture (2 of 2) with these quiz-based flashcards quizzes. Anyone who is interested in Chapter 20 - chemical Texture (2 of 2) can attempt these quizzed flashcards quizzes. These flashcard quizzes which are simple and easy to attempt.

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The process of permanently rearranging the basic structure of overly curly hair into a strait form is called
Chemical hair relaxing
O the general types of hair relaxers, which one does not require pre-shampooingL
Sodium Hydroxyde
The chemical required to stop the action of the chemical relaxer is:
The processing time of a chemical relaxer is affected by:
The hairs porosity
Wjat stops the action of any chemical relaxer:
Hydroxide relaxers are usually sold in
Base or No Base formulas
What are the three basic steps used in chemical hair relaxing:
Processing, Neutralizing, Conditioning
The Strength of the relaxer is determined by the strand test. General guidelines suggest that for fine, tinted or lighted hair, the following strength is used: