Chapter 2: Non-Living Environment Vocab

Ecology vocab ulary fr

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Nonliving features of the environment. (Examples include air, water, sunlight, soil, and temperature.)
The air surrounding Earth. (78% Nitrogen, 21% oxygen)
Features of the environment that are alive or were once alive.
Carbon Cycle
Model describing how carbon molecules move between the living and non-living world.
Process in which producers make energy-rich molecules from chemicals.
Average weather conditions over time.
The process that takes place when a gas changes to a liquid.
Energy Pyramid
Model that shows the amount of energy available at each feeding level in an ecosystem.
The process that takes place when a liquid changes to a gas.
Food Web
Model that shows the complex feeding relationships among organisms in a community.
Nitrogen Cycle
Model describing how nitrogen moves from the atmosphere to the soil, to living organisms, and then back to the atmosphere.
Nitrogen Fixation
Process in which some types of bacteria in the soil change nitrogen gas into a form of nitrogen that plants can use.
Mixture of mineral and rocks, the remains of dead organisms, air, and water.
Water Cycle
Model describing how water moves from Earth's surface to the atmosphere and back again. (Evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.)