Define Terms of Earth in World Geography Flashcards

World Geography review terms

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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Answer 1
Landmasses above water on Earth
Solar System
Answer 2
Consist of the nine known planets and the Sun
Answer 3
The center of the Earth is made of iron and nickel
Answer 4
Surrounds the core and has several layers
Answer 5
A layer of gases
Answer 6
The solid rock portion of the Earth's surface
Answer 7
Is made up of oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, and water in the atmosphere
Answer 8
The lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere form the biosphere where plants and animals live
Continental drift
Answer 9
States that the Earth was once a super continent called Pangea
Hydrologic Cycle
Answer 10
The continuous circulation of water between the atmosphere, the oceans, and the earth.
Drainage Basin
Answer 11
An area drained by a major river and it's major territories.
Ground Water
Answer 12
The water held in the pores of rock.
Water Table
Answer 13
The level at which rock is saturated.
Answer 14
Naturally formed features on the surface of the Earth
Continental shelf
Answer 15
The Earth's surface from the edge of a continent to the deep part of the ocean.