What Are the Basic Chemical Elements in Formation of Matter Flashcards

What are the essential chemical elements in the formation of matter? Matter exists all around us, and if you are not so clear on the chemical elements on earth, these flashcards will come in handy as they will test you on some of the basic terms used and the connection between elements. Do give them a read and see how helpful they will be for you!

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The smallest stable units of matter, composed of subatomic particles - protons, neutrons and electrons
P+ have a positive electrical charge
Electrically neutral
E- lighter than protons, have a negative charge, occupy a circular electron shell
The mass of an atom?
Determined by the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, the center region of an atom
Atomic number?
The number of protos in an atom
Electrical force?
The attraction between opposite electrical charges
Electron cloud?
Electrons travelling around the nucleus at high speed, dimetions of the electron cloud determine the overall size of the atom
Pure substance composed of atoms of only one kind
Important elements in the human body?
oxygen - 65% - essential for respiration Carbon - 18.9% - found in all organic molecules Hydrogen - 9.7% - component of water Calcium - 1.8% - bones, teeth, membrane functioning, nerve impulses, muscle contraction and blood clotting Phosphorus - 1.0% - bones, teeth, nucleic acids and high-energy compounds Potassium - 0.4% - membrane functioning, nerve impulses, muscle contraction
Atoms of the same element whose neclei contain the same number of protons but different number of neutorns
A high-energy bond in ATP is present?
Between the first and second phosphate group and between second and third phosphate group.
Atomic weight?
Actual mass of an atom, unit used to express atomic weight is the dalton (amu).
Valence cell?
The outermost energy level of the atom, number of electrons in thes level determines the chemical propetries of the element, atoms with unfilled energy levels are unstable, atoms with filled outermost energy level are stable and don't readily react with other atoms
Elements that do not readily participate in chemical processes - with filled outermost energy levels