What Do You Know About Basics of Procedural Coding Falshacrds

What do you know about the Basics of procedural coding? When it comes to programming, one expected to pay close attention to the codes to have a functioning software or program. If you want to refresh your understanding of writing the language, these flashcards will come in handy. Do give them a shot and get to see if you understand them all.

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
An outline or summary of the diagnostic statement and /or procedures and services performed.
Abbreviations, such as ECG for electrocardiography
Alphabetic Index
The reference section of teh CPT-4 manual that is used to help find a code or code range
Bundled codes
Codes designating procedures or services that are grouped together and paid for as one procedure or service
Categories (
Indented one level below a subsection in the CPT-4 coding manual, usually refers to a specific anatomic site or procedures and /orservices
Category I code
The primary procedure or service code selected when performing insurance billing or statistical research
Category II codes
Special codes that can help providers track revenue and reimbursement
A change in code submitted for reimbursement, usually performed by the insurance company. this change generally occurs because the code submitted does not match in some way to the specifications of the insurance company
Procedure, services, or dx named after people, such as Mohs' micrographic surgery or Crohn's disease
Established patient (EP)
A pt who has been seen by the sme physician oir same group of physicians over time. An est pt becomes a new pt if not seen by the physician or group in 3 years
Found at the begining of each of the six sections of the CPT-4. The guidelines define items that are necessary to appropriately interpret and report the procedures and services found in the section
Geaktg Care Common Procedural Coding System; level II codes create to suplement procedures and services not covered in the CPT-4
Code additions that explain circumstances that alter a provided sercie, or provide additional clarification or detail about a procedure or service
Patient status (PS)
The state of a pt as either new or established; appears in the Evaluation and Management section of the CPT-4
Place-of-service (POS) codes
Codes that indicate where a procedure or service was performed