Chapter 15 Vocabulary- Latin and Greek Roots

This is a set of 16 flash cards that define 4 latin roots and 12 vocabulary words.

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Latin jungere, junctum, "to join, yoke"
group root A
Verb. 1. To command; to urge
Niqua enjoined her sister not to tell their parent about the car accident
2. to forbid
The district attorney enjoined his client from speaking about the case
group word A
Noun. An order which legally prevents something.
The judge issued an injunction to stop the suspect from leaving the country
syn: prohibition
group word A
Noun. An answer; a reply
Latin re, "back," + jungere= join back
The writer of the letter to the newspaper issued a rejoinder to his critics
group word A
Latin pars, partis, "part"
group root B
Adj. Having no bias or favor
Latin in, "not," + partis= not partial
Though Maggie claims to be impartial towards the two cats, she secretly likes Mittens best.
syn: neutralant: prejudiced
group word B
Adj. believing and acting on the ideas of a political party or group
During a particularly close election, our town was split along partisan lines.
syn: factional
group word B
Verb. To give away; share
latin in, "in," + partis= to take part in, to share
Before I set out on my own, my mother imparted some helpful advice about life to me.
syn: pass on
ant: conceal
group word B
Latin claudere, clausum, "to close"
group root C
Adj. containing all; not keeping any out
Latin in, "in," + clusum= to close in
I am looking for a more inclusive atlas because my current one only has a few maps
syn: all embracing
ant: limiting
group word C
Adj. providing no clear answer or solution
Latin in, "not," + con, "together," + clusum= not closed together
The detectives were sure the DNA test would help them catch the thief, but the results proved inconclusive
syn: uncertainant: definite
group word C
Verb. Prevent from happening
Latin pre, "before," + cludere= to close beore
Frank's car crash on Wednesday seemed to preclude his getting tot he party on Thursday.
syn: hinderant: foster
group word C
Latin cadere, caesum, "to cut"
group root D
Adj. Accurate; definite
Latin pre, "before," + caesum= to cut off before
Scientists have been trying to perfect their new satellite system in order to make sure that the information it records about the asteroid is precise.
syn: exact
ant: sure
group word D
Adj. Unable to make choices
Latin in, "not," + de, "down," + caesum= not cut down
Doris was so indecisive that it took her hours to pick out her groceries
syn: doubtful, hesitant
ant: sure
group word D