History of the Expansion of Industry Flashcards

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10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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List 4 reasons why industrialization grew so rapidly
1. resources 2. govt. support of business 3. growth of cities-cheap labot 4. new markets
What is Black Gold?
What happened in the Mesabi Range of Minnesota?
deposits of iron and coal were found that helped supply raw materials for the growing steel business.
Bessemer process
technique used to make steel. Injected air into molten iron and it removed impurities.
How did they production of steel help to develop America?
Supplied the material to fuel the incredible growth of American. Ex. 1. railroads 2. bridges 3.farm machinery that helped develop middle America into the "bread basket" 4. skyscrapers
Who invented electricity?
Thomas Edison
How did the invention of electricity create change in America? (5 ways)
1. changed nature of business 2. ran machines 3. helped to invent time saving machines 4. transportation-electric street cars 5. now plants could be located where ever they wanted-not just by power soursces (rivers)
What did Christopher Sholes invent?
They typewriter
Who invented the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
How did these new inventions impact the movement of woman into the work force?
1. provided clerical jobs-40% of clerical workforce 2. more factories-ex. textile jobs