Health Disease Chapter 13

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Type of circulation that carries blood throughout the body
General or systemic
Type of circulation that carries blood from heart to lungs and back
The heart beats between __ and __ bpm
72, 80
The ventricles eject between __ to __ ml of blood with each beat, known as stroke volume
60, 80
Total volume of blood ejected from the heart per minute
Cardiac output
Heart sound heard as the tricuspid and bicuspid valves close
Lubb sound
Heart sound heard as the semilunar valves close
Dupp sound
Pacemaker of the heart
SA node
Replaced with fibrous tissue and cardiac output decreases with aging
Heart muscle tissue
Number one leading cause of death in America
Heart disease
Preventions of heart disease:
Control of high blood cholesterol and triglycerides levels; control of high blood pressure; control of diabetes; maintain healthy weight; exercise; and diet
Change from normal heart rhythm
Slow heart rate; less than 60 bpm
Rapid heart rate, more than 100 bpm
Gurgling or hissing sound indicating defect in heart valves