Unit 3 Identifications: The Protestant Reformation

73 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Christian Humanism
Northern Renaissance, more obsessed with religion
Desiderius Erasmus & The Praise Of Folly
Writes and belittles the church and the monks, and the pope indirectly
Thomas More & Utopia
A written work on an idealistic life in a fictional community with a new and resolved social system, church didnt like what he was writing & neither did his king
When a church official is in charge of more than one church office (ie Archbishop in one place, Cardinal in another)
When a church official, struggling with holding more than one office, puts a non-religious idiot in his place while he is away
Thomas A Kempis
Wrote Imitation Of Christ about doing good works
Sacred acts and traditions of the church
Martin Luther
Created the Protestant Reformation by sharing his other ideas that eventually created the Lutheran Church
salvation by faith (alone)
Taught by Luther, faith is all you need, not good works or indulgences
"priesthood of all believers"
All Christians who followed God were their own priests, sounded good to the peasants (led to the start of Peasants War)
Johann Tetzel & his indulgences
Seller of indulgences, "once the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs"
Pieces of paper signed by the pope 'freeing you of sins & purgatory' sold by church
NInety-Five Theses
Written by Luther, indictment of abuses by the church in the form of the sale of indulgences, nailed to church doors in Wittenburg
Edict of Worms
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V declared Luther an outlaw, had his books burned, and ordered him to be captured & delivered
1524 Peasants War
Caused by peasant tax & abuse and no economic improvement, inspired by 'priesthood of all believers' but Martin Luther did not support them, his ex-follower Thomas Muntzer led them instead