Chapter 12: The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism


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President Madison cleverly manipulated Napoleon into repealing his blockade decrees.
The large western delegation in congress was not concerned about foreign policy issues such as Canada and maritime rights.
Western hostility rose to Britain partly bacause the war hawks believed the British were supplying Indians with weapons for war.
New Englanders opposed the war of 1812 because they believed that Canada should be acquired by peaceful negotiations rather that war.
The most effective branch of the American military in the war of 1812 proved to be the U.S. Army
The American strategy for conquering Canada was well but failed because of a lack of equipment and troops.
American naval forces under Perry and Macdonough thwarted British-Canadian invasion threats to Detroit and upstate New York.
Andrew Jackson's victory at the battle of New Orleans was crucial to the American military and political gains in the treaty of Ghent.
Clay's and Calhoun's plans for an extensive system of federally funded roads and canals were blocked by the western states' objections to federak involvement in their affairs.
The Federalist Party remained a sturdy center of opposition to the expansion of slavery and Monroe's anti-british foreign policy.
Because of the wildcat banking practices and the land speculation, the West was hit especially hard in the panic of 1819.
The missouri compromise admitted missouri to the union as free state, in exchange for the admission of Louisiana as a slave state.
John Marshall's supreme court rulings generally defended the power of the federal government against the power of the states.
Secretary of State John Quincy Adams successfully acquired both Oregon and Florida for the United States
The Monroe Doctrine declaring that the U.S. would permit no new European colonialism in the Americas was most enthusiastically welcomed in Latin America.