Chapter 12 - Nervous Tissue

Chapter 12 - Nervous

126 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Brain and spinal cord
All nervous tissue except the brain and spinal cord
Bundle of hundreds to thousands of axons of individual neurons plus associated connective tissue and blood vessels; each one follows a defined path and serves a specific area of the body
Small masses of nervous tissue located outside the brain and spinal cord; they contain mainly neuron cell bodies.
Carries signals from various receptors to the CNS, Somatic (from skin, muscles, bones, joints), Visceral (viscera from abdomen and thorax)
Sensory (afferent) Division
Signals from CNS to glands and muscles, Somatic (to skeletal muscles), Visceral or Autonomic (to glands, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle), divided into Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
Motor (efferent) Division
(Tends to prepare for action)
(Calming or slowing effect)
All cells are excitable but nerve cells have developed this to the highest level
Produce and conduct electrical signals
Neurotransmitters carry signal across synapse.
Specialized to detect stimuli, a variety of types, and transmit it to the CNS, begin in virtually every organ end in CNS
Sensory (afferent) Neurons
Contained entirely in the CNS, communicate between neurons, carry out integrative functions, account for 90% of neurons
Send signals to muscle and glands
Motor (efferent) Neurons
(soma, perikaryon); Contains the nucleus, cytoplasm and the typical cellular organelles, prominent RER
Cell Body