Can you define the following Flashcards from The French Revolution Flashcards

Can you define the following words from The French Revolution some documents, people, and some good-to-know terms? The revolution began when the French people decided they wanted to end the monarchy, and it was a war that ended when Napoleon Bonaparte took power. Please go through the flashcards and get to see how well you understand them by taking the quizzes that follow.

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One of three distinct social classes in France during the 1700s: clergy, nobility, and commoners.
A 10 percent tax on income, paid to the clergy
The middle class, between aristocrats and workers
Louis XVI
King of France from 1774 to 1791, called together the Estate-General to press taxes on the Second and First Estates. Was executed in January 1793.
Marie Antoinette
Wife of Louis XVI, involved in the Diamond Necklace Crisis. Executed in October 1793.
The castle for the royal family in the countryside.
Capital of France
French prison; commoner revolt, freed 7 prisoners and 98 commoners were killed.
Estates General
Group of delegates that meet to make new laws and taxes for the estates.
National Assembly
The Third Estate and delegates from the first and second. Met to make laws and new policies.
Tennis Court Oath
A promise that the Nation Assembly would not disband until a constitution for France had been written.
The Great Fear
A wvae of violence throughout France, brought on by the rumors of nobles hiring robbers and theives to kill peasants.
Unicameral legislature
Assembly or lawmaking body with one house
Person who fled France during the Revolution
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
Incorportated ideas frm Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau (Englightenment writers); garunteed freedom of press, speech, and religion, as well as protection from unfair arrest and punishment. Made divorce easier.

Did not grant equal rights for women.