Chapter 11 of Networking + of Mike Myers Book

A study guide for chapter 11 Mike Myers Networking + book.

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What is 802.1X?
A port-authentication network access control mechanism for networks.
What is Access control list (ACL)?
A clearly defined list of permissions that specifies what actions an authenticated user may perform on a shared resource
What is a Discretionart access control (dac)?
Authorization method based on the idea that there is an owner off a resource who may at his or her discretion assign to the resource. DAC is considered much more flexible then MAC.
What is a Key Distribution Center (KDC)?
A system for granting authentication in Kerberos.
What is a Mandatory access control (MAC)?
A security model in which every resource is assigned a label that defines its security level. Auser that lacks that security level does not get access.
What is a Role-Based access control?
The most popular authenticaion model used in file sharing, defines a user's access to a resouce baased on the roles the user plays in the network environment. this leads to the iea of groups, which, in most networks is nothing more thena name that has clearly defined accesssses to differnt resources. User accounts are placed into various groups.
What is a Advanced Encrytion Standard(AES)?
Block cipher created in late 90's that uses a 128-bit block size and a 128-,192, or 256-bit key size. Practically uncrackable.
What is a Asymmetric-key algorithm?
An encryption method in which th key used to encrypt a message and the key used to decrypt it are differnt, or asymmetrical.
What is a Key pair?
A name for the two keys generated in a asymmetic-key algorithm systems.
What is a Symmetric-key algorithm?
Any encryption method that uses the same key for both encryption and decryption.
What is a Authentication?
Supplying a username and password to gain access to the network. also, a processs tht proves good datatraffic truly came from where it says it originated by verififing the sending and recieving user's and computers.
What is a Authentication,Authoization and Accounting (AAA)?
A security philosphy wherein a computer trying to connect to a network must first present some form of credential in order to be authenticated, and then must have limitable permissions(authorization) within the network. The authenticating server should also record session information about the client(accounting).
What is a Authorization?
A step in the AA philosophy during which a clients permissions are decided upon.
What is a Block cipher?
An encryption algorithm in which data is encrypted in 'CHUNKS" of a certain length at a time. Popular in wired networks.
What is a Certificate?
A public encryption key assigned with the digital signature from a trusted third party called a Certificate authority (CA). This key serves to validate the identity of itsholder when that person or company sends data toother parties.