Chapter 10- Preparing for Sexual Reproduction: Meiosis


16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Somatic cells
All the cells in n the organism (animals) except for gametes (sex cells); undergo mitosis
Sex/reproductive cells; egg & sperm
Cell division that results in the halving of chromosome number; produces reproductive cells (gametes) (4) in the haploid state; generates genetic diversity
Possessing a single set of chromosomes; n cells(egg & sperm)
Possessing two sets of chromosomes; 2n cells
The grouping formed by the linkage of two homologous chromosomes in prophase I of meiosis. the 4 sister chromatids involved in this linkage give it the name
Prophase I
Homologous chromosomes link as they condense, forming tetrads. crossing over occurs
Metaphase I
Microtubules move homologous chromosomes to metaphase plate. independent assortment occurs
Anaphase I
Microtubules separate homologous chromosomes (sister chromatids remain together)
Telophase I
Two haploid daughter cells result from cytokinesis
Metaphase II
Sister chromatids line up at new metaphase plate
Anaphase II
Sister chromatids separate
Telophase II
4 haploid cells result
Crossing over
Process that occurs in meiosis in which homologous chromosomes exchange reciprocal portions of themselves
Independent assortment
The random distribution of homologous chromosome pairs during meiosis; ensures that offspring produced through sexual reproduction will be unique