Chapter 10 Kinship and Descent

Anthropology chapter 10 notes

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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Refers to the relationships found in all societies based on blood and marriage.
Consanguineal Relatives
One's biological or blood relatives
Affinal Relatives
Kinship ties formed through marriage (in-laws)
Fictive Kinship
Relationships among individuals who recognize kinship obligations even though the relationships aren't based on consanguineal or affianal ties. (adoption, close friends of family)
Vertical Functions of Kinship
The ways in which all kinship systems tend to provide social continuity by binding together different generations.
Horizontal Function of Kinship
The ways in which all kinship systems, by requiring people to marry outside their own small kinship group, function to integrate the total society through marriage bonds between otherwise unrelated kin groups.
The person in kinship diagrams from whose point of view the relationships are traced.
Kin relationships traced through a single line, such as son, father, and grandfather.
Kin relationships traced through a linking relative.
Kinship Systems
Relationships found in all societies that are based on blood or marriage.
Person's kinship connections traced back through a number of generations.
Unilineal Descent
Tracing descent through a single line (such as matrilineal or patrilineal) as compared to both sides (bilateral descent.)
Matrilineal Descent
From of descent in which people trace their primary kin through their mothers.
Patrilineal Descent
Descent in which people trace their primary kin through their fathers.
Cognatic Descent
Form of descent traced through both females and males.