Chapter 10 Descriptive Statistics Flashcards

The list of Chapter 10 descriptive statistics is here in the form of Flashcards Quizzes. These Flashcards quizzes are designed to learn, explore the Chapter 10 descriptive statistics. Learn these Chapter 10 descriptive statistics with ease and fun.

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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What is quantitative data analysis?
It is defined as the process of utilizing a variety of statistical procedures to analyze numerical data.
*This data analysis involves counting responses and using other statistical procedures to discover the identifying characteristics of individual variables in a sample and the relationship between two or more variables in the sample.
What two stops does data analysis used to conduct the research?
1. Descriptive analysis of the individual variable is conducted.
2. Inferential statistics are used to analyze the association between variables.
What is the purpose of descriptive statistics?
It is to organize, describe, and represent quantitative data in a manner that is concise, manageable, and understandable.
What is inferential statistics?
They are statistical procedures that are used to examine associations about a population based on the results found in a sample.
What are the five commonly used types of descriptive statistics used?
Mean- average of the scores
median-midpoint of the scores
mode-most frequently occurring score
range-the overall spread or varability of a variable. frequency- the number of times that a response occurs
What is the range?
The overall spread or variability of a variable.
*It tells the difference between the lowest (minimum) and highest (maximum) values (responses) for a variable.
Example- a class span for 18 years old to 73 years old, you would say the range is 55. The difference between 18 and 73.
What is variance?
A statistical measure used to examine the spread of scores in the distribution.
*The larger the variance, the further the scores are from the mean; the smaller the variance, the closer the scores are to the mean
What are the measures of central tendency?
They are statistical measures that report how much our data is a like or similar.
What are the three measures of central tendency?
1. Mean (average of the scores)
2. Median (midpoint of the scores)
3. Mode (most frequently occurring score)
What is dispersion?
It is known as measures of variability. They are also statistical measures that reflect dissimilarities in our sample.
What are the three types of measure of dispersion?
1. Range- overall spread or variability from the minimum score to the maximum score)
2. Variance- the spread of scores in a distribution of scores.
3. Standard deviation (the square root of variance in the most commonly used measure of dispersion.)
What is normal distribution of data?
In assumption used in statistical procedures that scores are probably distributed equally around the means.
This data resembles a bell shaped curve.
What does the term aggregate data mean?
Compile information in a concise, manageable, and understandable manner so the data can be examined relatively quickly.
What does univariate analysis mean?
It involves examination across case of one variable at a time.
It involves the three major characteristics of a single variable that we tend to look at:
1. Distribution
2. Central tendencies
3. Dispersion