Can You Explain These Terms Related to Information Technology Flashcards

Can you explain these terms related to Information technology? Computers are taking over and can be used in almost any field today. Do you know some of the basics terminologies that you should be aware of when it comes to computers and essential parts? Well, use the flashcards below and get to see if you understand them by taking the quizzes that follow!

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Answer 1
Physical electronic components that make up a computer system.
Answer 2
The operating system and programs used by a computer.
Power Supply
Answer 3
Converts AC ( Alternating Current) into the lower voltages of DC ( Direct Current), which powers all the computer's components. Power supplies are rated in watts.
Alternating Current
Current that changes direction at a uniformly repetitious rate. This type of electricity typically is provided by a utlity company and is accessed by wall sockets.
Direct Current
Current flowing in one direction, as used in a battery.
Form Factor
The physical size and shape of computer components.
Uninterruptible Power Supply
A device that maintains a continuous supply of electric power to connected equipment by supplying power from a separate source when utility power is unavaliable.
Keyed Connector
Connectors that are designed to be inserted in one direction only.
Molex Keyed Connector
Connects to optical drives, hard drives, or other devices that use older technology.
Berg Keyed Connector
Connector that connects to a floppy drive. Smaller than a Molex connector.
SATA Keyed Connector
Connecter that connects to an optiocal drive or a hard drive. Is wider and thinner than a Molex connector.
A slotted connector that connects to the motherboard. The connector has 2 rows of 10 pins each.
A slotted connector that connects to the motherboard. The connector has two rows of 12 pins each.