Chap 14 - Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures

The Language of Medicine - Chap 14 Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures

5 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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CD4 cell count
Measures the number of CD4 T cells (helper T cells) in the bloodstream of patients with AIDS

normal count 500 - 1500
if it drops below 250 recommended to start treatment with anti-HIV drug
ELISA = enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Screening test to detect anti-HIV antibodies in the bloodstream
Test that separates immunoglobulins
(IgC IgM IgE IgA IgD)

used to detect multiple myeloma
Viral load test
Test that measure the amount of AIDS virus (HIV) in the bloodstream
two viral load tests
PCR = polymerase chain reaction
NASBA = nucleic acid sequence - based amplification
Computed tomography (CT) scan
X-ray imaging in the transverse plane produces cross sectional views of anatomic structures
show abnormalities of lymphoid organs , lymph nodes, spleen and thymus gland