Ch.23,26,29 APUSH Test

This is the study guide for my history test.

29 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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Sitting Bull
Sioux Chief, 1876 he took up arms against the whites and neighboring Indians ecause their land was being taken by white miners. Massacred Custer's men, and defeated Terry's. 1880, he surrenedered with the promise of a pardon.
George. A. Custer
1876. Battle of Little Big Horn. He had found gold in South Dakota, but the Plains Indians massacred his entire militia.
Cheif Joseph
Cheif of the Nez Perce, General Howard tried to remove the Indians to a reservation in Idaho. known for his resistence to removal, known as a peacemaker and humanitarian. Finally surrendered after 1700 miles.
Led the Apache tribes, against Mexicans and whites trying to invade their lands. Led a band of Indians to Mexico, but were arrested and stayed in reservations.
Joseph F. Glidden
He developed barbed wired, and donated lots of land for educational purposes.
Oliver H. Kelly
Founder of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry. Laid groundwork for the foundation of American agriculture in the Grange.
Seventeenth Amendment
Direct election of U.S. senators, by the people. 1913
Eighteenth Amendment
Floored, temporarily, demon rum and alcohol. 1919
Elkins Act
1903. Aimed at the rebate evil, heavy fines could be imposed on railroads that gave rebates and on shippers that accepted them.
Hepburn Act
1906. Free passes were restricted. The interstate Commerce Commision was expanded, and included express, sleeping-car, and pipeline companies. Nullified exsisting rates, and stipualted maximum rates.
Northern Securities Case
1902. Morgan and Hill were trying to acheive a virtual monopoly of railroads in Northwest. 1904. Supreme Court ordered the Northern Securities Co. to be dissolved. Angered big businesses.
Meat Inspection Act
1906. Decreed that the preparation of meat shipped over state lines would be subject to federal inspection from corral to can.
Pure Food and Drug Act
Designed to prevent the adulteration and mislabeling of foods and pharmaceuticals.
Newlands Act
1902. Washington was authorized to collect money from the sale of public lands in the sun-baked western states, and then use these funds for the development of irrigation projects.
Payne-Aldrich Act
1909. Bill lowering tariffs on certain goods entering the United States. Many were raised, and many were left unchanged.