Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Agricultural Production Terms Flashcards

Can you fill in the blanks with the correct Agricultural Production terms? There were a lot of civilizations that saw growth due to agriculture. Today a lot of people generate their income through this. Take a quick read through the flashcards below and get to see which new words you will get to learn on agriculture.

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 187

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Commercial agricultural systems in the core are especially efficient in terms of food production per unit of ________.
Plantations from coffee, cocoa and tea to rubber, palm oil and bananas, typically practice ________?
An agrarian culture is one in which ________ and ________ is predominant in daily life?
agriculture and production
Subsistence agriculture is characterized by agriculturalists who do what?
consume all that they produce
Shifting cultivation is characterized by the practice of rotating ________ to maintian soil fertility to avoid soil errosion.
Pastoral nomads depend on ________ like (sheep and cattle) rather than ________ for their livelihood.
animals, crops
In contrast to the first two agricultural revolutions, the third one originated in the ________ ________.
New World
The Green Revolution innovations in agriculture based on a package of inputs includes what 4 things?
1. miracle seeds 2. water 3. natural fertilizer 4. pesticides
What is natural fertilizer made of?
compost and animal manure
In the context of agribusiness and the globalization of agriculture, the food chain is a way of understanding complex connections between agricultural ________ and food _________.
producers, consumers
A food regime is the specific set of links that exists among food production, consumption, capital investment and accululation opportunities. Since the 1960s, global agriculture has changed from a wheat and livestock food regime to a fresh ________ and ________ regime?
fruit and vegetable
An organism that has had its DNA modified in a laboratory rather than through cross-pollination or other forms of evolution is known as a ________?
GMO or Genetically modified organism
Globally, 24,000 people per day die from complications associated with undernutrition. Ultimately, the core cause of undernutrition is ________.
For a person, household or country to be food secure means that they have what?
access to enough food at all times to live healthy lives
In many metropolitan areas around the world, ________ agriculture is critical in supporting household food security.