Basic Principles for GDP Variation in Diff Sectors Flashcards

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List 4 basic principles of commercial and industrial location are based on?
1. access to inputs 2. proximity 3. availability of labor 4. processing costs
List 3: The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a region or country includes the total value of what (in a given year)?
1. foodstuffs (goods), 2. services 3. machinery
Economic development that meets the needs and aspirations of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs is the classic definition for ________ ________.
sustainable development
The ability of a country to explore and exploit its resources is based on? List three
1. value of its resources 2. technological innovations in the country & around the world 3. politicaland economic situations in that country
In the world's major core economies, the production and distribution of ________ has become the most important contributor to gross domestic product?
Countries with a high proporiton of economic self-sufficiency or independence from the world system, and do not contribute significantly to the world economy in terms of imports and exports, are ________?
The peripheral country dilemma of having constantly to borrow in order to fund economic development is known as the ________ ________.
debt trap
The debt crisis refers to what?
high debt service many peripheral countries must pay on international loans
Schools, roads, railroads, hospitals, retail outlets, recreational and cultural opportunities, social services and the entire framework of support services and amenities in a city or region is known as it's ________?
infrastructure or the bones of a community
Growing sugar beets for sugar, as an alternative to importing sugar made from sugar cane, is an example of ________ ________?
import substitution
Import substition is an important strategy for economic growth because what is supported?
domestic (local) production
Creative destruction refers to the withdrawal of what?
investment from low profit areas and activites for reinvestment in high profit ones
Transnational companies are those that are involved in? List 3
1. international trade 2. production and manufacturing in multiple countries 3. foreign sales and marketing in numerous countries
The global assembly line refers to consumer goods that are made with what? List 3
raw materials, components, labor, and manufactures from around the world
According to your text, the ________ industry is one of the most globalized of all manufacturing industries.