Ch 4 Study Guide

Study guide

78 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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List 4 renewable energy resources
Hydro-power, tidal power, wind and Geo-thermal energy
Human contributions to global climate warming are primarily from ________?
Carbon dioxide emissions
The contemporary view of nature dominant in the U.S. is most strongly linked to what tradition?
Judeo-Christian tradition
The lower an organism on the food chain, ________?
More energy efficient
The foundations of the U.S. environmental movement of the 20th century are drawn from the ideas of ________?
George Perkins Marsh
At what point in history was the view of nature as a nurturing and bountiful mother was replaced by a view in which it was subordinate to man and something to be exploited?
16th century
The book, Silent Spring, explores the environmental impacts of ________?
A tool with which early Stone Age (Paleolithic) people extensively altered their environment was ________?
The Clovis point helped North America's early peoples do what?
Hunt for food
Among other differences, Neolithic peoples were separated from Paleolithic peoples by the ________ of ________.
Emergence of agricultural revolution
The term magafauna is another way of referring to large ________.
Game animals
The most reasonable explanation for the selective extinction of large animals like mastodons, mammoths, cave bears and giant deer at the end of the Pleistocene around 10,000 years ago is (are)?
Over or too much hunting
The simplification of ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity began with?
Neo-paleolithic (agricultural revolution)
Cities of ancient Mesopotamia in the Fertile Crescent grew and relied upon a vast irrigation network. It is thought that the region eventually collapsed about 4,000 years ago because of environmental ________.
Environmental mismanagement
The same problem that plagued early agricultural civilization in Mesopotamia currently plague contemporary irrigation agriculture from such places as California and SW Arizona to India and Central Asis. This problem is what?
Salt build up in soil