Ch 14 A&P Brain and Cranial Nerves

Chapter 14 A&P Brain and Cranial Nerves

88 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Where is 98% of the body's neural tissue?
The brain.
The anterior and largest part of the brain, consisting of two halves or hemispheres
What do the paired cerebral hemispheres control?
Conscious thoughts, sensations, intellect, memory, and complex movement all originate in the cerebrum
What are some landmarks of the cerebral cortex?
Gyri, sulci, fissures
A convolution
A groove or fissure, esp. a fissure between two convolutions of the brain, shallower than fissure
A natural division or groove in an organ, as in the brain.
A large portion of the brain, in back of and below the cerebrum and consisting of two lateral lobes and a central lobe - btwn occ lobe and brain stem
What does the cerebellum do?
Coordinate voluntary movements, posture, and balance
Thalamus (right & left) and hypothalamus, the posterior section of the forebrain
What does the diencephalon contain?
Relay and processing centers
Between the thalamus and midbrain
What does the hypothalamus do?
Controls emotions, autonomic function, hormone production, apetite, body temperature
What does the brain stem include?
Midbrain, pons (bridge), medulla oblongata
Has nuclei that process visual and auditory information and control reflexes triggered by these stimuli