Chapter 13 A&P CNS PNS Spinal Reflexes

Ch 13 the spinal cord (CNS), spinal nerves (PNS), and Spinal Reflexes

74 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

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Front Back
Gray matter
The cortex of the brain which contains nerve cell bodies, heavy & unmyelinated
Cervical enlargement
A swelling of the spinal cord in cervical area of the spinal cord
Lumbar enlargement
A swelling of the spinal cord beginning at the level of the tenth thoracic vertebra and tapering into the medullary cone
Dorsal root ganglia
A group of nerve cell bodies, located outside the central nervous system
Ventral roots
The motor division of each spinal nerve, attached centrally to the spinal cord and joining peripherally with the dorsal root
Cauda equina
The cauda equina is a collection of intradural nerve roots at the end of the spinal cord (horse's tail)
The membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord
List the 3 spinal meninges in order.
Dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater
Dura mater
Most superficial, thick, contains collagen fibers, has epidural space and epidural block
The arachnoid
2nd, middle layer, subarachnoid space where CSF circulates, spinal tap taken from here
The Pia Mater
The innermost later, attached directly to the nervous tissue, elastic and collagen fiebers, NO blood supply (blood brain barrier)
Anterior median fissure
A longitudinal furrow along the midline of the anterior aspect of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata
Posterior median sulcus
A shallow vertical groove dividing the spinal cord throughout its whole length in the midline posteriorly
White matter
Part of the brain & spinal cord that contains myelinated nerve fibers
Gray matter
The cortex of the brain & spinal cord which contains nerve cell bodies, unmyelinated