Managing the Diverse Workforce Flashcards

Flashcards Quiz based on the concept of Managing a Diverse Workforce. Important key terms, definitions, Statements, and much more are provided within the flashcard quiz to learn and understand. Try to attempt the Flashcard Quiz and make your learning of solubility easy and smooth with this.

41 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

Cards In This Set

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Managing diversity involves recruiting, training, promoting, and utilizing to full advantage individuals with different backgrounds, beliefs, capabilities, and cultures. True or False
Where are women underrepresented?
At most senior levels of corporate life and especially pay
Nearly _______ of the U.S. workforce consists of women.
_____________ of all businesses in the US are owned by women, employing about ____% of American's workers.
Nearly half; 20%
How can diversity provide significant competitive advantage in the workplace?
Customers becoming increasingly diverse and retraining a diversified workforce.
Diversity only refers to skin color and gender?
False; broad terms relating to differences among: religious affiliation, age, disability status, military experience, sexual orientation, economic class, educational level, lifestyle, gender, race, ethnicity, and nationality.
Managing diversity is being acutely aware of characteristics common to a group of employees, while also managing these employees as individuals. True or False
________ birthrates in the US and other developed countries are resulting in a smaller labor force.
Which group is expecting to grow faster?
The number of women and the numbers of Asian American, black, and Hispanic workers
About 1 in ___ residents of the US is a racial or ethnic minority.
What % does the women make up of the workforce?
Define glass ceiling
An invisible barrier that makes it difficult for women and minorities to move beyond a certain level in the corporate hierarchy.
Sexual harrassment is the conduct of a sexual nature that has negative consequences for employment. True or False?
Type of harassment occurring when "submission to or rejection of sexual conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions.
Quid pro quo harassment
Type of harassment occurring when unwelcome sexual conduct "has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with job performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. Name the term.
Hostile environment