The Cerebral Hemispheres 1

The brain is split into a left and right hemisphere

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Front Back
The corpus callosum
A long arch of white matter, longitudinal fissure that runs between the hemispheres from the anterior (front) and posterior (back) of the brain. has fibers that project between hemispheres in an orderly way.
100 million+ axons traveling between the two hemispheres, relaying messages.
Callosectemies- callosotomy
Separation or cutting of the corpus callosum- performed to improve uncontrollable epilepsy. partial cut of only the regions involved with the epilepsy.
complete slicing of corpus callosum- has subtle but long lasting effects.
Central sulcus
Anterior to to the primary somatosensory region of the brain, runs vertically between the frontal and parietal lobe.
separates the sensory and motor homunculi, separates the more sensory half of the cortex (posterior) from the frontal half (anterior)
Sylvian fissure
Runs horizontally from the frontal lobe posterior, separating temporal lobe from parietal/frontal lobes. in the upper bank of the fissure lies the somatosensory cortex inside is the supratemporal plane- home to primary and secondary auditory cortex and part of wernicke's area
The sensory (input) regions of the cortex
In parietal, temporal, occipital lobes- behind central sulcus and sylvian fissure.
Visual cortex
Begins in occipital lobe-> parietal/ temporal lobes
Auditory cortex
Located in temporal lobe-> parietal lobe
1) primary auditory cortex: in temporal lobe inside the lateral fissure. receives sound info. relayed from the cochlea through several stops in CNS2) auditory association cortex: in temporal lobe, aud. info. is processed/distinguished as dif. complex tones or as speech
Somatosensory humunculus and areas
Maps the neurons collecting sensations from dif. parts of the body.
parietal lobe
Taste and smell
Located at bottom of temporal lobes. encompasses three cortical lobes also a region for associative processes- info. from the various senses is bound together for higher order processing. Much of this happens in the parietal lobe. These association regions are largest in primates and in humans.
The motor (output) regions of cortex
Maps the neurons controlling skeletal muscles.
located in the frontal lobe anterior to the central sulcus and the sylvian fissure.
Wilder Penfield
Found the homuncui of the brain
Posterior cortex
Contains the projection regions of the major sense organs- vision. hearing, touch, smell, taste. deals with perceptual present.
Anterior cortext
Action control, planning, some working memory functions, lang. production etc.. tries to predict and control the future
Cerebral cortex
Outermost part of cerebrum1) primary motor cortex2) primary somatosensory cortex3) primary visual cortex -gyri: folds -sulci: grooves between fissures -fissures: deep sulci
Prefrontal cortex
-dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: working memory, executive function-orbitofrontal cortex: social and emotional decision making-anterior cingulate: motivation