Explain the Science of Cellular Respiration Terms Flashcards

Cellular Resp iration

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Cellular Respiration Equation
C6H12O6+6O2------ 6CO2+ 6H2O+Energy (40 ATP)
What would happen without cellular respiration?
Body temperature would not be a normal 98.6 degrees. Cellular Respiration is what generates a person's body heat
What are ALL of the steps of cellular respiration?
Redox Reactions
Principle of Redox
-Chemical reactions that transfer electrons between reactants -Oxidation Reduction *Redox during Cellular Respiration: The fuel is oxidized and oxygen is reduced
When somehting LOSES an electron it becomes....
OXIDIZED (Xe-+Y-------X+Ye-) *Use this to help you remember: OIL= Oxidation Is Lost
When something GAINS an electron it becomes.....
REDUCED *Use this to help you remember: RIG= Reduction Is Gained
In this equation: (Xe-+Y-------X+Ye-) What is Y?
Y is the Oxidation Agent
Serves as an electron carrier *When NAD+ gains an electron: It becomes reduced (b/c: gaining electrons=reduction)
The Three Stages of Cellular Respiration
1. Glycolysis 2. The Citric Acid Cycle 3. Ocidative Phosphorylation
-Breaks down glucose into two molecules of Pyruvate -Essentially splits the glucose in half -Starting point for ALL respiration -Main Function: Transfer of Energy
What are the inputs and outputs of Glycolysis?
Inputs: 2ATP + ADP + Glucose + NAD+ Outputs: 2Pyruvate + 2ATP + 2NADH
Where does glycolysis occur?
-In the cytosol *Glycolysis extracts 3% of energy found in glucose-- pretty inefficient
What is the evolutionary perspective of glycolysis?
-An aerobic atmosphere (Does not require oxygen) -Prokaryotes- No organelles (happens in cytosol so no organelles -Nearly universal
-Aribose Sugar (5 Carbon Sugar), an Adenine, and 3 Phosphate groups on the end -Very UNSTABLE molecule The phosphates do not like eachother so they repel - Can't store ATP
Describe what happens when a phosphate group is broken in the molecule of ATP
-Releases energy that the cell can use -ATP is negatively charged -The remaining 2 Phosphates form to make ADP, spread out (which they like) -Cellular Respiration will try to put the 3rd Phosphate lost during the break back on