Can You Tell the Correct Answer for This Cellular Respiration Flashcards

Can you tell the correct answer to this cellular respiration? Have you just learned about this whole process and are looking for ways to refresh your understanding of it? Worry not as the flashcards below gives you a chance to refresh your memory. All the best, and be on the lookout for others like it before your seat for your exam.

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For each molecule of glucose (C6H1206) oxidized by cellular respiration, how many moles of CO2 are released in citric acid cycle
What happens in the cytosol of an eukaryotic cell?
Glycolysis && fermentation
A young animal has never had so much energy. They discover his mitochondria can only cause fatty acids && amino acids for respiration, & his cells produce more lactate than normal. What's the best explanation?
His mitochondria lack the transport protein that moves pyruvate across the outer mitochondrial membrane
In cellular respiration, the energy for most ATP synthesis is supplied by..?
A proton gradient across a membrane
It is possibe to prepare vesicles from portions of the inner mitochondrial membrane. What process might still be carried on by this isolated inner membrane?
Oxidative phosphorylation
A molecule that is phosphorylated...
Has an increased chemical potentioal energy; it is primed to do cellular work
During aerobic respiration, electrons travel downhill in which sequence?
Food---->NADH---->electron transport chain--->oxygen
In the absense of oxygen, yeast cells can obtain energy by fermentation, resulting in the production of..?
ATP, CO2, and ethanol (ethyl alcohol)
The molecule that functions as the reducing agent (electron donor) in a redoz or oxidation-reduction reaction
Loses electrons && loses potential energy
In glycloysis, for each molecule of glucose oxidized to pyruvate how many molecules of ATP are used && produced
2 are used and 4 are produced
If a cell is able to synthesis 30 ATP molecules for each molecule of glucose completley oxidized to carbon dioxide and water, axpromiatley how many ATP molecules can the cell synthesize for each molecule of pyruvate oxidized to carbon dioxide & water?
What process can occur regardless of whether there is oxygen present?
Why is glycolysis described as having an investment phase and a payoff phase?
It uses stored ATP && then forms a net increase in ATP
In addition to ATP, what are the end products of glycolysis?
NADH && pyruvate
In the presence of oxygen, the three-carbon compound pyruvate can be catabolized in the citric acid cycle. First, however the pyruvate (1) loses a carbon, which is given off as a molecule of CO2 (2) is oxidized to form two-carbon compound called acetate & (3) is bonded to coenzyme A
Acetyl CoA, NADH, H+, and CO2