Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance

Vocabulary associated with the cellular basis of reproduction and inheritance. Includes mitosis and meiosis.

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Nuclear division process that halves the chromosome number. basis of sexual reproduction
Nuclear division mechanism that maintains the chromosome number. basis of body growth, tissue repair and replacement in multicelled eukaryotes; also asexual reproduction in some plants, animals, fungi, and protists.
Cell cycle
A series of events from the time a cell forms until its cytoplasm divides
Refers to the two members of a pair of chromosomes with the same length, shape, and genes
In a eukaryotic cell cycle, the interval between mitotic divisions when a cell grows, roughly doubles the number of its cytoplasmic components, and replicates its DNA
Stage of mitosis in which sister chromatids separate and move to opposite spindle poles
Stage of mitosis during which the cell's chromosomes align midway between poles of the spindle
Stage of mitosis in which chromosomes condense and become attached to a newly forming spindle
Dynamically assembled and disassembled array of microtubules that moves chromosomes during nuclear division
Stage of mitosis during which chromosomes arrive at the spindle poles and decondense, and new nuclei form
Asexual reproduction
Reproductive mode by which offspring arise from one parent and inherit that parent's genes only
Cell plate
After nuclear division in a plant cell, a disk-shaped structure that forms a cross-wall between the two new nuclei
Cleavage furrow
In a dividing animal cell, the indentation where cytoplasmic division will occur
A genetically identical copy of an organism
Contractile ring
A thin band of actin and myosin filaments that wraps around the midsection of an animal cell. during cytoplasmic division, the band contracts and pinches the cytoplasm in two