Cell Biology - Cell Cycle

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Required to directly drive cell cycle transitions
Proteolysis and phosphorylation
Observations in cell cycle
See condensed chromosomes - M phase
see nothing- I phase (divided into G1 phase, S phase, G2 phase)
Experimental differences between phases
Experiment: fuse cells in different phases (I and M) of the cell cycle- cell in interphase driven to M phase = "MPF"-M phase promoting factor. (AKA M-Cdk).
Fuse G1 cell w S phase cell-> S phase pushes G1 cell into S phase prematurely -> SPF/S-Cdk -> both nuclei will start M phase together; they wait for each other (suggests checkpoint mechanism)
S and G2 - both become G2, wait for each other to enter M phase
Yeast genetics approach
Yeast cell morphology can give rough indication of cell cycle position. S. cerevisiae grows by budding. S. pombe grows at tips. Isolate cell division cycle (cdc) mutatnts; arrest at a specific point in cycle- cyclic processes halt but growth processes continue.
Classes of cdc mutants
1) inactivates a positive cell cycle regulator (its action drives cell cycle evvents)
2) inactivates a cyclic event (DNA rep'l, mitosis, cytokinesis) -more common - monitored by a checkpoint mechanism
Cell oscillation models
1) clock- determines cycle phase- embryos: inhibit S- still see M events; inhibit M- still see S events : still on time : unique to embryos

2) dominoes- series of dependent events; evidence: cdc mutants and drug arrest cycle (same drugs different effects)
3) more correct view: basic oscillator (clock) w event dependencies imposed on top (checkpoints); basic oscillator, but at various points can be checked and be stopped. Embryonic and cancer cells have checkpoints turned off for ~13 divisions
M cyclin dependent kinase, consrved 2-component kinase that drives cycle into M phase
Other stuff
Cyclin dependent kinases
Major drivers of cell cycle transitions:
-subject to multiple regulatory inputs; 1) synthesis and destructiion of cyclins, periodic synthesis and destruction
2) cyclin kinase inhibtors- recognize cyclins that are necessary to push the cell cycle forward- act to prevent over-proliferation of cells- ihibit cdk complexes that act at the start of the cell cycle
Starts the mating pheremone synchronization; is a CKI. Mating factor binds GPCR, activates G protein, G protein starts MAPK pathway -> various outputs, including shmooing, cytoskeletal changes, membrane changes, and far1 is expressed and activated, which blocks Cln-Cdk -> synchronizes yeast in culture
Cyclin D
Puts phosphate on protein called Rb (inhibitor of a gene regulatory protein- restrains cell proliferation)-> unrestricts E2F (transcription factor) -> transcription of target genes that control entry into S phase
Gene for cyclin D found amplified in many cancers.
Animal cells w damaged DNA prevented by entering the S phase; is a CKI. Broken DNA ->ATM/ATR kinase activation -> ChK1/ChK2 kinase activation ->phosphorylation by p53 -> stable p53 -> binds p21 -> something else I didnt get
Cdk activation
Has to be phosphorylated;
inactive -> subunit activates by pulling t-loop, opening up active site -> phosphorylated
Cdk inhibatory phosphorylation
By Wee1 kinase often (opposed to Cdc25 phosphatase); deactivates; occurs on T14 and Y15 in active site, prevents Cdk from acting.
All eukaryotes have Wee1 kinase and Cdc25 phosphatase. Wee1 inhibits, but Cdc25 activates M-Cdk; last step before enters M phase. If get rid of Wee1 kinase, enter M phsae too quickly. If get rid of Cdc25, cells stay too long in M phase. Timing is for upstream inputs. Signals can activate Wee1 or inhibit Cdc25 phosphatase, or both.
Cdk localization
Kinases have to be taken to specific places to operate, by cyclin s and other accessory proteins