Cdc 3D153 Volume 1 URE Flashcards

Study for the Cdc 3D153 volume 1 URE in a brief manner with these flashcards and revise the concepts related to it. Learn the important terms, definitions, and much more briefly with these flashcards quizzes. Be prepared for the Cdc 3D153 volume 1 URE and master this topic with ease and fun by attempting Flashcards quizzes.

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What reason for modulation involves modulating low frequency signals for transmission over long distances?
Ease of Radiation
What are the three general catergories used to produce modulation in radion frequency (RF) transmission today?
Amplitdue, frequency, and phase
When the modulating signal and carrier signal are combined within a modulator, the output signal contains a/ an
Carrier, upper sideband, and lower sideband
If a carrier frequency of 1 MHz and a modulating tone of 10 kHz goes to the modulator the output signal include
1.01 MHz, 1 MHz, and 0.99 MHz
If the modulating audio signal is 10 kHz wide, what is the bandwidth of the transmitted amplitude modulated signal?
20 kHz
The bandwidth of an amplitude modulated signal is
Two times the modulating signal.
The amount of effect or change that the intelligence has on the carrier in an amplitude modulated signal is expressed as the
Percent of modulation.
Which statement concerning bandwidth is true?
Overmodulating increases bandwidth due to the production of harmonics
Reducing modulation to less than 100 percent gives
No reduction in carrier power
In frequency modulation (FM), the amount of oscillator frequency change is
Directly proportional to the amplitude of the modulating signal
In frequency modulation (FM), what is considered a significant sideband?
Sidebands containing at least 1 percent of the total transmitted power.
What is the formula to find the modulating index?
Deviation divided by frequency of the modulation.
In phase modulation (PM), the carrier's
Phase is shifted at the rate of the modulating signal.
What is the advantage of adding more phase shifts?
Higher data rates with in a given bandwidth.
What is the first step in the pulse code modulation (PCM) process?
The analog signal is band-limited.