Canine Pelvic Limb II and Sublumbar Muscles

Canine pelvic limb continued

12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Origin- Psoas major and iliacus Insertion- Lesser trochanter of the femur Function- flex the hip
Cranial tibial
Origin- extensor groove and adjacent articular margin of the tibia; lateral edge of the cranial tibial border Insertion- plantar surface of the base of metatarsals I and II Function- flex tarsus and rotate the paw laterally
Long digital extensor
Origin- extensor fossa of the femur Insertion- extensor processes of distal phalanges on digits II, III, IV, V Function- flex the tarsus and extends the digits
Peroneus longus
Origin- lateral condyle of the tibia, proximal end of the fibula, lateral epicondyle of the femur by ways of the lateral collateral ligament Insertion- on the 4th tarsal bone; plantar aspect at the base of the metatarsals. Function- flex the tarsus, ratote the paw medially so that the plantar surface faces medially.
Lateral digital extensor

Origin- Proximal third of the fibula

Insertion- proximal phalanx of digit V


extension and abduction of digit V

Origin- Proximal third of the fibula

Insertion- proximal phalanx of digit V


extension and abduction of digit V

Origin- Proximal third of the fibula

Insertion- proximal phalanx of digit V


extension and abduction of digit VOrigin- Proximal third of the fibula 

Origin- Proximal third of the fibula

Insertion- proximal phalanx of digit V


extension and abduction of digit VInsertion- proximal phalanx of digit V Function- extension and abduction of digit V
Origin- medial and lateral supracondylar tuberosities of the femur Insertion- proximal dorsal surface of the tuber calcanei. Function- extends the tarsus and flexes the stifle
Superficial digital flexor
Origin- lateral supracondylar tuberosity of the femur Insertion- tuber calcanei and base of middle phalanges of digits II, III, IV, V Function- flex the stifle and extend the tarsus (flex 1st 2 digital joints of the four principal digits)
Deep digital flexor
Origin- caudal aspect of the proximal 2/3 of the tibia, proximal half of the fibula, adjacent interosseous membrane. Insertion- flexor surface of the distal phalanx Function- extend the tarsus and flex the digits
Origin- lateral condyle of the femur Insertion- caudal surface of proximal third of the tibia Function- stifle flexor and rotator
Quadratus lumborum
Attachments: bodies of the T10-T13, transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae; media surface of the ilium Function: fix lumbar vertebral column
Psoas minor
Attachments: tendinous facia of quadratus lumborum m., ventral surface of T13 and L1-L5; the iliopectineal eminence Function: fix lumbar vertebral column; steepen the pelvis
- psoas major
- iliacus
Attachment Psoas major: lumbar vertebrae; lesser trochanter Attachment Iliacus: cranioventral ilium; lesser trochanter Function: hip flexors