Answer These Principle of Biology Flashcards

Biology quiz Wanda 12

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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If one strand of a DNA molecule has the base sequence ATTGCAT, its complementary strand will have the sequence:
Which London surgeon noted in 1775 that chimney sweeps exhibited frequent cancer of the scrotum?
Sir Percivall Pott
What observation did Dr. Katsusaburo Yamagiwa make to lead him to believe that chemicals cause cancer?
He observed that when coal tar extracts were applied to rabbit skin, cancers eventually developed
Which is incorrect about the bases in nucleic acids?
The purines are thymine and cytosine.
The process when an individual gene moves from one place in the genome to another is called a:
Which researcher in 1761
noted unusual tumors of the nose in snuff users and suggested tobacco as the
John Hill
Which is correct
about DNA replication?
The place where the parent
DNA becomes unzipped during DNA replication is called the replication fork.
Based on which of the
following pieces of evidence about the transforming agent did Avery conclude
that DNA is the hereditary material?
All of the choices are
Which scientists determined
that DNA synthesis is semiconservative?
Matthew Meselson and
Franklin Stahl
When Frederick Griffith
injected dead bacteria of the virulent S strain into mice, the mice:
Remained healthy
The Hershey-Chase
experiment demonstrated that RNA, not protein, is the hereditary material

If the sequence of one strand of DNA is CATTACGGG, then the
complementary strand would be GTAATGCCC.

Which choice describes how
the DNA molecule replicates?
The building blocks of DNA
are called:
All of the following are
correct about DNA replication except:
Helicase is the enzyme
which rewinds the DNA after