Answer These Biology of Meiosis Flashcards

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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Which scientists is credited with proposing in 1887 that an egg and a sperm fuse to form a zygote?
Van Beneden
Why is crossing over not possible in meiosis II?
Because homologous chromosomes are no longer in the same cell
In anaphase I, _____ separate and in anaphase II, _____ separate.
Homologous chromosomes, chromatids
The pairing of homologous chromosomes:
Is called synapsis
How many possible orientations are there if a cell has four chromosome pairs?
An organism's diploid number is 64. Its haploid number would be:
Some organisms are able to reproduce both sexually and asexually
Genetic recombination is possible because of _____ during or after meiosis
All of these are correct (independent assortment, crossing over, fertilization with a non related gamete.)
Meiosis involves four nuclear division
The alignment of homologous chromosomes with the exchange of genetic information between them is known as:
Crossing over
Duplication of DNA occurs:
During interphase
Reproduction by mitosis only is asexual
The kinetochore holds the homologous chromosomes together
Bacteria reproduce by meiosis
During which stage of meiosis does crossing over occur?
Prophase I