Correct Molecular Flashcards

What is to be filled in the blank with correct molecular terms? Each card describes a situation, process, or molecules. Do you think that you can easily handle it? How about you give it a shot and get to see just how many of them you get right. All the best, and keep testing yourself with more cards, all the best!

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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The special molecules that have large structures and characteristically made by living organisms are known as __________.
Three of the four macromolecules present in living systems are ________ which means they are built by linking together small, similar chemical monomers.
Proteins that can carry out catalysis in organisms are called ________.
A modified form of cellulose found in the exoskeletons of insects and crustaceans is known as _________.
Non-polarity and insolubility characterize biological compounds known as _________.
__________ are polymers containing up to 20 different kinds of naturally occurring amino acids.
The covalent bonds connecting monomer units in sugars can be formed by the removal of a water molecule. A reaction referred to as __________________.
This atom in its unbound state has four valent electrons. These electrons readily form single, double, and even triple bonds among themselves to become stable. This atom is
Macromolecules are disassembled in ____________ reactions.
Relatively small organic molecules with a central carbon atom which is bonded to a carboxyl group, an amino group, a carbon containing group, and a hydrogen atom are called
Amino acids
Macromolecules that are used by organisms to store hereditary information are called
DNA molecules
DNA, RNA, and ATP contain functional units known as
Which of the following is not a property of carbon?
All compounds made from carbon are soluble in water.
Which of the following is not a macromolecule?
All of the following are examples of functional groups in cells except