First Biology Exam Review Sheet

First biology exam. Chapters 1-4

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Large molecules made of many similar or identical subunits, such as starch and protein, are called...
Valence Electrons
The chemical properties of an element are determined by ___, found in the outermost energy level of an atom
Free radical
Antioxidants, such as vitamin E, protects the body from the harmful effects of uncharged particles called...
Smaller molecules that reversibly bind to a protein, such as a substrate to its enzyme or a hormone to its receptor called...
Hydrogen Bonding
Water molecules cling together and many large molecules hold their three-dimensional shapes due to weak attractions called...
Fatty Acids
Triglycerides consists of three__ covalently bonded to glycerol
A chemical reaction that consumes water to break a covalent bond in a larger molecule is called...
Inorganic components of enzymes that can induce folding of the active site, thus activating the enzyme
1,000 or 10^3
A solution with a pH of 6 is how many times more acidic than a solution with a pH of 9
A molecule becomes __ when electrons are removed from it
Active Site
The place where a substrate binds to en enzyme is called the enzyme's...
A fatty acid with numerous C=C bonds is said to be...
When a enzyme adds phosphate groups to other organic molecules
Universal energy transfer molecule
Hydrogen Ion
free proton