Can You List the Basic Biochemistry Terms Used? Flashcards

Can you list the basic biochemistry terms used in the topic atoms, Ions, and molecules, properties of water, chemical reactions, and enzymes? If you doubt your abilities, you are in luck as the flashcards are of various terms that will help you. Do give them a look and get to see just how many of them you know.

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The smallest basic unit of matter.
One particular type of atom, and cannot be broken down into a simpler substance by ordinary chemical means....also referred to a group of atoms of the same type.
A substance made up of atoms of different elements bonded together in a certain ratio
Is an atom that has lost of gained one or more electrons
Ionic Bond
Forms through the electrical force between oppositely charged ions.
Covalent Bond
Forms when atoms share a pair of electrons.
Is two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds
Hydrogen Bond
An attraction between a slightly positive hydrogen atom and a slightly negative atom.
Is when water creates surface tension through sticking together.
Is when water molecules want to stick to other substances...ex helps plants transfer water up the stems.
A mixture of substances that is the same throughout.
Is the substance that has the greatest presence in a solution.
Is the substance that dissolves in the solvent.
Is a compound that releases protons (H+ ions) in a solution
Is a compound that removes protons (H+ ions) from a solution.