Biology 107 - Lab 4

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What does the cytoskeleton of eukaryotes consist of?
Microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments that interact with many organelles
What are microtubules? What are some examples?
They have multiple functionsCilia and flagella are two eukaryotic motile structures composed of microtubules
How does Paramecium feed?
By propelling food particles towards their oral grooves. This allows food to collect until the cell forms a food vacuole via phagocytosis
How do Rotifers feed?
By propelling food into their mouth structures
What do microfilaments do?
Cause pseudopodia of a cell to move by assembling and disassembling networks of microfilaments to create viscous and liquid regions of the cytoplasm, called plasmagel and plasmosal
How do organelles in Paramecium move?
Through microfilaments (this is the exception, most organelles are moved by microtubules)
Why are we studying an exception to the rule?
Because it is a good system for observing food vacuole movement
What is the role of intermediate filaments?
They have structural roles in the cell. Visible nuclei are contained by the intermediate filaments
What is contrast?
The difference between an object and its surrounding medium
What are stains?
Coloured compounds that react with particular components of cells and increase contrast
How do stains function?
Most stains have a preference to a particular class of macromolecules (lipid, protein, nucleic acid, or polysaccharide) and bind to these molecules with varying degrees
What are vital and fixed stains?
Vital stains are applied to live specimens. Fixed stains are applied to dead cells
What are issues with vital stains?
They eventually kill the cell and do not stain very intensely
How can you improve contrast in a light microscope?
By decreasing the amount of light (because otherwise the intensity of the light passing through the cell and the medium is the same)
How does a phase contrast microscope work?
Takes advantage of the fact that the cell and the medium each have a different refractive index - they slow the light that passes through them to different extentsHigher refractive index appear dark (the light slows and bends more) and areas of lower refractive index appear lighter