Bio246-Lab-Quiz#3 (Part 1)

Module 9 - Streaking for Isolation
Module 10 - Milk Assay/Colony Counts

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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What is the differentiation between bacterial growth and increase in bacterial cell size?
Bacterial growth is plural, referring to the amount of bacteria that are occupying a place An increase in bacterial cell size, is singular, referring to the growth of one cell.
Why does streaking for isolation allow microbiologists to obtain a pure colony?
Streaking will allow for cultures to become more and more "diluted" or separated, eventually creating pure colonies
Process for streaking for isolation
Separate dish into 4 quadrants. Quadrants 0, I, II, & III. Quadrant 0 where has the most and where you begin. Then streak from 0 into I and then streak to II and then III. Quadrant III should have the least and most isolated bacteria.
Which quadrant in streaking will have confluent growth? Why?
Quadrant O and I and will have confluent growth because the most amount of bacteria will be present in those quadrants.
Which quadrant in streaking will have isolated colonies? Why?
Quadrants II and III will have the isolated colonies because they have the least amount of bacteria in them.
Usefulness of streaking for isolation technique to microbiologists
1) Pure colonies can be used to start a large stock culture (subculture) of a single isolated bacteria. 2) Can be used to separate and isolate individual species of bacteria from mixed inoculum.
What is the theoretical basis of streaking for Isolation?
It is a method of dilution.
Some critical issues to follow for streaking
1) Start with small amount of inoculum from the stock culture. 2) Use the entire streaking surface of each quadrant. 3) Pick up new inoculums form the quadrant edges with a sterile loop. 4) Sterilize inoculation loop between transfers. 5) Proper aseptic tech should be followed.
Time for 2 daughter cells to form from 1 mother cell
About 20 minutes. Then the cells becom 4 and so on until after 50-72 generations in 24 hours.
What is a pure culture?
A broth or slant tube that only contains one type of bacteria
What is confluent growth?
A lawn of bacterial growth.
What is a CFU?
Colony Forming Unit. Individual isolated colony was started by one bacterial cell.
In the streaking module what bacteria were used?
Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens, and Mixed.
What is the purpose of pasteurization?
It eliminates pathogens and decreases the overall number of bacteria. This increases shelf life. The FDA establish recommended times and temperatures.
What are the basic FDA guidelines for milk safety?
The FDA accepts 20,000 bacteria per mL of milk because the surviving bacteria are non pathogenic. Various temps and times are recommended by the FDA. (63C-30min) (72C-15sec) (89C-1sec) (90C-0.5sec) (94C-0.1sec) (96C-0.05sec) (100C-0.01sec)