BIO210 - Anatomy - Cephalic (Head) Anatomy - Description of Bones

These cards test you on the general function, articulation, & region/landmark of specific bones of the cranial and facial bones

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
What is the general function of the occipital bone?
Forms the inferior and posterior surfaces of the cranium
What are the articulations of the occipital bone?
-First cervical vertebra (Atlas)-Parietal bone-Temporal bone-Sphenoid bone
What are the regions/landmarks of the occipital bone?
-external occipital protuberance-external occipital crest-occipital condyle-inferior and superior nuchal line
What are the foramina of the occipital bone?
-Foramen Magnum-Jugular foramen-Hypoglossal canals
What is the general function of the parietal bone?
Form part of the superior and lateral surfaces of the cranium
What are the articulations of the parietal bone?
-Other parietal bone-Occipital bone-Frontal bone-Temporal bone-Sphenoid
What are the regions/landmarks of the parietal bone?
-Superior and inferior temporal lines (where temporalis muscle can attach)-Grooves for cranial blood vessels.
What are the foramina of the parietal bone?
Trick Question. There are none.
What is the general function of the frontal bone?
Form the anterior of the cranium and roof the orbits (eye sockets). Frontal sinus secrete mucus that cleans/ flushes the surface of the nasal cavity
What are the articulations of the frontal bone?
-Maxillary bone-Parietal bone-Zygomatic bone-Nasal bone-Ethmoid bone-Sphenoid bone-Lacrimal bone-Metopic (Frontal) Suture
What are the regions/landmarks of the frontal bone?
-Lacrimal fossa-Supra-orbital margin-Frontal Squama (Forehead)-Frontal sinuses
What are the foramina of the frontal bone?
-Supra-orbital foramen-Supra-orbital notch
What is the general function of the temporal bone?
1.Only bone that articulates with the mandible2.Protect and surround inner ear3.Attachment of jaw and head muscles4.Part of lateral walls of the cranium and zygomatic aches
What are the articulations of the temporal bone?
What are the regions/landmarks of the temporal bone?
-Squamous part-Petrous part-Zygomatic process-Styloid process-Mastoid process-Auditory ossicles-Mandibular fossa