Bio Test 3

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85 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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The smallest unit of evolution is the ______.
Homology is evidence of ______.
Common ancestry
During his trip on the Beagle, Darwin found that ______.
Plants and animals living on a continent seemed more closely related to each other than to plantsand animals living in similar regions on other continents
Genetic drift is the result of ance changes in the gene pool of a population
Chance changes in the gene pool of a population
What can create new alleles?
An example of directional selection?
Greyhound dogs
The similarity of the embryos of fish, frogs, birds, and humans is evidence of ______.
Convergent evolution
Any particular mutation is most likely to ______.
Be harmful ///// have no effect on reproductive success
The study of evolutionary relationships using molecular biology give examples?
Nucleotide sequences of DNA, metabolic pathways, amino acid sequences of proteins, the genetic code
The modern synthesis of evolution was a fusion of ______.
Genetics and evolutionary biology
Natural selection results in
offspring better adapted to their parents' environment than were their parents
Natural selection can be defined as
Survival and reproduction of the organisms that are genetically best adapted to the environment
After surviving a bottleneck, a population recovers to the point where it consists of as many individuals as it did prior to the bottleneck. Which of the following statements is most likely to apply to this population?
The post bottleneck population exhibits less genetic variation than the pre bottleneck population
A particular species of land snail has a shell that may be brown, yellow, or pink. How would you explain this situation?
These snails are polymorphic for shell color.
What subdiscipline of biology unites all of biology into a single science?