State Correct Energy Resources Flashcards

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Solar radiation makes several other energy sources possible, including?
A) Biofuels
B) Wind energy
C) Nuclear energy
D) Both A and B
E) A, B, and C
Natural gas is?
A) The most damaging to the environment when extracted
B) Often associated with coal and petrolem deposits
C) Only produced by bacteria during decomposition
D) Trapped over some cities for commercial use
E) Still much more expensive than other fossil fuels
Hydroelectric power generation?
A) Produces high quantities of greenhouse gases
B) Has no undesirable environmental effects
C) Uses fuel cells to generate electricity
D) Is an alternative to fossil fuels that produces fewer greenhouse gasses
E) Produces pollutants that contribute significantly to acid precipitation
Sustainable development involves?
A) Searching for more deposits of fossil fuels
B) Developing better transportation by building more roads
C) Reducing consumption, increasing efficiency, and using renewable energies
D) Using all resources at maximum rates
E) Larger buildings using stronger design and materials
Coal combustion is responsible for the following environmental effects:
A) Accumulations of mercury in the fatty tissues of animals and fish
B) Increased greenhouse gas emissions
C) Adding sulfur dioxide to the atmosphere and contributing to acid rain
D) A and B
E) A, B, and C
Generally speaking, deserts are located in places where air masses are usually?
A) Rising
B) Descending
C) expanding
D) Humid
E) Tropical
The main reason polar regions anr cooler than the equator is because?
A) the poles are permaneltly tilted away from the sun
B) The poles are farther from the sun
C) There is more ice at the poles
D) sunlight strikes the poes at a lower angle
Which of the following statements is a correct match between a biome and its description?
A) Tundra; long, cold, moist winters and short summers are typical of this biome dominated by gymnosperms
B) Deciduous forest; a prolonged, relatively mild period with ample precipitation alternates with cold period when plants become dormant
C) Desert; this biome is dominated by dwarf shrubs, grasses and sedges that can tolerate long dark winters.
D) Taiga; this biome has the greatest diversity of species
E) Temperate grasslands; long, snowy winters as well as evergreen trees such as pine and fir
The atmosphere around Earth can cause global warming primarily because?
A) Fossil fuels release heat
B) The ozone layer is being depleted
C) Plants absorb CO2
D) Plants release CO2
E) Greenhouse gasses trap heat in the environment
Which of the examples below provides appropriate abiotic and biotic factors that might determine the distribution of the species in question?
A) A prairie dog population after a prairie fire; increased predation and decreased food availability
B) The abundance and diversity of phytoplankton communityes; available sunlight and increased salinity in the top few meters of the ocean
C) WIld flower abundance and diversity; the amount of nitrate and phosphate in the soil
D) Brook trout; the pH and dissolved oxygen concentration in the stram
E) Native alpine grasses; the number of frost-free days and competition with species of introdued grassses
Which marine zone would have the highest rates of primary productivity (photosynthesis)?
A) Continental shelf
B) Aphotic
C) Pelagic
D) Benthic
Water moves from land to the atmosphere through?
A) Transpiration only
B) Evaporation only
C) Precipitation only
D) Transpiration and evaporation
E) Evaporation and precipitation
An unexpected freeze that kills a population of chipmunks is an example of?
A) A population cycle
B) A density-independent factor
C) An intrinsic factor
D) A density-dependent factor
You arrive back in the United States after having visited a foreign country located on another continent. The customs agent stops the person in front of you and confiscates the fruit basket this person is bringing home. Being the knowlegeable person you are, you calmy explain to your enraged fellow traveler that the most likely reason for the detainment is that the fruit basked may be?
A) Contaminated with CFCs that will damage the ozone layer above North America
B) Carrying endangered fruit
C) Contaminated with sufficient DDT to cause serious harm to anyone who eats the fruit
D) Carrying a non-native species that could damage North American ecosystesm
Question 15
The population in the figure below will most likely?
A) Stabilize within 20 years
B) Increase for many years
C) Not change
D) Reach zero population growth within 10 years
E) Decrease within 20 years