Bio: Lab 4 - Enzymes

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Complex Protein catalyst that speed metabolic reactions by lowering the activation energy required. Each has only 1 reaction that it works with. I substrate. It is not used up in the reactions. All reactants in a cell have an enzyme.
Reactants in an enzymatic reaction.
Reactants undergo a change
Products are the results of the change
Active site
Is where substrates (reactants) bind with an enzyme
When substrate is broken down
When a substrates are combined or put together
Enzyme from potatoes that catalyzes Hydrogen Peroxide
2H2O2----catalase------>H2O + O2
(Oxygen bubbles released in reaction)
Best at cold temp (in tuber of plant)
Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity
In general:
Cold: Slows reaction
Warm: Speeds Reactions
Boiling: Denatures Enzymes, breaks it down, inactive
Effect of Concentration on Speed of Reaction
Higher concentration of enzyme/substrate results in FASTER enzyme activity.
Products will increase
Effects of PH on Enzyme Activity
Optimal PH is best for any enzyme (each is different)
Higher or Lower than Optimal affects the structure of the enzyme and hydrogen bonding, reducing activity
Digestive enzyme of the stomach. Breaks down protein called Kappa Casein (in milk). Kappa Casein keeps milk from curdling. Rennin breaks down Kappa Casein to allow milk solids to form in stomach. Slows digestion! Optimal temperature is Warm (body temperature)