Bio Ch. 10 and 12

These flashcards were made to help me study for a test in bio on ch.10 and 12

46 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The offspring of two diff breeding varieties are...
A pairing in which the parent plants differ in only one (mono) character is a...
Monohybrid cross
Alternative form of genes are...
Two alleles are the same then the individual is....
If two alleles are different, then the individual is...
When only one of the two diff alleles in a heterzygous individual appears to affect the trait, then that allele is ....
The other allele that does not appear to affect the trait us called....
The type of diagram that shows all possible outcomes of a genetic cross is called a ....
Punnett square
An observable trait is a ...
The genetic makeup or combo of alleles is a ...
A_______ breeds an individual of unknown genotype, but dominant phenotype with a homozygous recessive individual.
The crossing of organisms differing in two characters
Dihybrid cross
A heterozygote that expresses both traits exhibits _____
When two or more genes affect a single character
Polygenic inheritance
A theory that states that genes are located on chromosomes, and the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis and fertilization accounts for inheritance patterns is called....
Chromosome theory of inheritance