Define The Lymphatic System Flashcards

398 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the lymphatic system?
A network of vessels that penetrate nearly every tissue of the body, and a collection of tissues and organs that produce immune cells
What are the 3 functions of the lymphatic system?
1. Fluid recovery
2. Immunity
3. Lipid absorption
In the ___ special lymphatic vessels called ___ absorb dietary lipids that are not absorbed by the blood capillaries.
Small intestine; lacteals
What are the components of the lymphatic system?
1. lymph- recovered fluid
2. lymphatic vessels- transport the lymph
3. lymphatic tissue- composed of aggregates of lymphocytes and monocytes
4. lymphatic organs- contain highly concentrated amounts of lymphocytes and monocytes which are set off from surrounding organs by connective tissue capsules
Describe lymph
-clear, colorless fluid similar to blood plasma but low in protein
-originates as tissue fluid taken up by the lymphatic vessels
-composition varies from place to place
-leaving the small intestine: milky appearance because of lipid content
-leaving lymph nodes: contain large numbers of lymphocytes (main supply of lymphocytes to the bloodstream)
-may contain macrophages, hormones, bacteria, viruses, cellular debris, or traveling cancer cells
What is the source of the main supply of lymphocytes to the blood stream?
Lymph leaving the lymph nodes
The lymphatic system absorbs ___ and ___ and returns it back to the ___
Plasma protein; tissue fluid; bloodstream
How much fluid does the lymphatic system absorb per day?
2-4 L
Interference with lymphatic drainage can lead to ___
What are the smallest vessels in the lymphatic system and what are they similar to?
Lymphatic capillaries; blood capillaries in the circulatory system
Lymphatic capillaries are held to tissues by ____. These prevent what?
Protein filaments; they prevent the sac from collapsing
In what ways are lymphatic capillaries different from blood capillaries?
-they are closed at one end, unlike the blood capillaries which are continuous.
-the endothelial cells are loosely overlapped and do not have a continuous basal lamina unlike blood capillaries in which they are tightly junctioned and do have a continuous basal lamina
What is another name for the lymphatic capillaries?
Terminal lymphatics
What parts of the body are the lymphatic capillaries absent from?
Central nervous system, cartilage, cornea, bone, and bone marrow
What part of the lymphatic system allows larger cells and particles to enter along with the tissue fluid?
The gaps between the capillaries (not a continuous basal lamina)