Bio 160 Lab Exam 2

Annelids, ectoprocts, and tardigrades. 

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Characteristics of Phylum Annelida
1. Segmented worms2. True coelem, complete digestive tract, usually closed circulatory system3. Nephridia for excretion4. Well-developed muscles5. Either dioecious or hermaphroditic
Phylum: Annelida, Class Polychaeta, Genus: ArenicolaCommon Name: Lugworm
Characteristics of Class Polychaeta
Polychaeta ("many long hairs"Many setae (bristles), usually protruding in bundles. Pronounced differentiation of some body segments, well-differentiated head with sensory appendages.Parapodia (lateral fleshy extensions) on most segments. Used for primitive gills or respiratory organs, anchors while in tubes, crawling, and swimming.
Question 4
Phylum: Annelida, Class: Polychaeta, Genus: Nereis. Common name: Clamworm
Characteristics of Class Hirudinea
Hirudinea ("characterized by being a leech"1. No setae or parapodia2. Many transverse grooves, creating appearance of more segments than it actually has.3. Well-developed midgut with ceca (blind-ended pouches). Ceca allow for storage of food so the leech may be able to go months without eating.4. Have suckers.
Question 6
Phylum: Annelida, Class: Hirudinea, Genus: HaemopisPredatory, eats other leeches, oligochaetes, and snails.
Question 7
Phylum: Annelida, Class: Hirudinea, Phylum: Macrobdella, Species: Macrobdella decoraCommon name: Medical leechParasitic, feeds primarily on frog blood.
Question 8
Phylum: Annelida, Class: Hirudinea, Genus: TheromyzonFound in the nasal cavities of water birds like ducks and American coots. Blood sucker.
Characteristics of Class Oligochaeta
Oligochaeta ("few long hairs")Includes earthworms
1. Segmented worms with few setae and a clitellum.2. No compound eyes, mouth parts, or appendages.3. Cutaneous respiration.
Earthworm anatomy: know setae, prostomium, mouth, clitellum, internal septa, pharynx, esophagus, crop, gizzard, intestine, anus, dorsal blood vessel, "hearts", seminal receptacles, andseminal vesicles
Answer 10
Question 11
Phylum: TardigradaCommon name: Water bearsInteresting fact: can survive up to 10 days in vacuum of space while dormant.
Question 12
Phylum: Ectoprocta (outside anus)