What Do You Know About Types of Plants, Fertilizers and Its Component Flashcards

What do you know about types of plants, fertilizers, and its component? Living things depend on a lot of factors to grow, and as for plants, sometimes they need some assistance in the form of fertilizers to grow. Take a look at the flashcards provided and see what you can learn about the plants on earth and how to help them grow.

120 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The carnivorous plant that has two-sided leaves, each with highly sensitive trigger hairs that is native to North and South Carolina is:
The Venus flytrap
If a homeowner wants a good fertilizer for a vegetable garden, which of the following commercial fertilizers would usually work best?
A fertilizer having the number code 12-18-18
Phloem sap contains
Sugars Amino acids Hormones Enzymes e. All of the above are correct
Using organic matter such as manure or compost for fertilizer:
Improves fertility Aerates the soil Increases the water holding capacity of the soil Provides food for beneficial soil microorganisms e. All of the above are correct
Most carnivorous plants use their prey as a primary source of:
The attraction of a molecule to another type of substance is
In the pressure flow theory, any part of a plant that does not carry out photosynthesis is a:
The bacterium Rhizobium:
Triggers the development of root nodules in legumes Enter plants through the root hairs Live symbiotically within plant cells Break the triple covalent bond in N2 e. All of the above are correct
Cells that make up tracheids are ___________ whereas cells that make up sieve tubes are __________.
Dead, alive
If a homeowner wants to fertilize a grass lawn, it would be best to use a fertilizer designed for helping grasses to grow. Which of the following commercial fertilizers would usually work best?
A fertilizer having the number code 25-5-5
The __________ and _____________ of a plant's leaf help conserve water in a plant.
Stomata, cuticle
The innermost layer of the cortex of a plant root is the:
The opening and closing of a plant's stomata are regulated by the flow of _____________ ions:
The evaporation of water from the leaf of a plant is:
Corn plants on one acre of land may use as much as ___________________ gallons of water on a summer day.