Can You Explain Basic Structural Components of Cell Flashcards

Can you explain the basic structural components of a cell? The cells make up living things, and if you get a deeper understanding of the cells, you will get to understand how the body works. Take a look at the flashcards below and get to understand the different parts of a cell and the various roles they play. All the best!

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Plasma Membrane
Outer layer of a cell,
Encloses the cell and regulates what moves in and out of it.
Large, dark-staining organelle near the center of the cell and composed of DNA and protein.
The command center center of the cell that contains the chromosomes or genetic material.
Small body in the nucleus that is primarily RNA, DNA, and protein.
Makes Ribosomes.
Long strands of DNA organized into units called genes, occurring in humans in 26 identical pairs (46 individual).
Govern all cell activities, including reproduction.
Substance within a cell composed of fluid (cytosol) and various organelles and inclusions.
Site of numerous cellular activities.
Rod-shaped bodies close to the nucleus.
Assist chromosome separation during cell division.
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
A network of tubules.
Synthesis and transport of lipids and proteins.
Golgi Apparatus
Layers of membranes.
Makes, sorts and prepares protein compounds for transport.
Smll sacs of digestive enzymes.
Digest substances within the cell.
Oval or rod-shaped organelles.
Play a role in energy production.
Tiny bodies that exist singly, in clusters, or attaached to ER.
Play a role in assembling proteins from amino acids.