ASVAB - General Science

This is to study for the ASVAB General Science section

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The moon completes a revolution around the earth approximately every: A. 28 DaysB. 365 DaysC. 24 HoursD. 7 Days
28 Days
Carcinogens are chemicals that cause:A. High Blood PressureB. Gene MutationsC. Blood ClotsD. Diabetes
Gene Mutations
A paramecium is: A. One-Celled OrganismB. AldaeC. BacteriaD. Many-Celled Organism
Single-Celled Organism
What large halogen is essential for the function of the thyroid gland?A.potassium chloride (salt)B. HemoglobinC. CalcuimD. Iodine
The brainstem controls:A. VisioinB. Most Muscle MovementsC. Your Sense of BalanceD. Some Involuntary Activities
Some Involuntary Activities
What element is the most abundant one in the atmosphere?A. OxygenB. NitrogenC. HeliumD. Hydrogen
Minerals are necessary for:A. RespirationB. Eliminating WasteC. Preventing Night BlindnessD. Metabolic Function
???Metabolic Function???
What’s the only metallic element commonly found as a liquid?A. BromineB. TelluriumC. MercuryD. Silver
Which of the following isn’t a type of telescope?A. NewtonianB. CopernicanC. GregorianD. Hershelian
What is a Dekagram?A. Larger than a KilogramB. Smaller than a KilogramC. Same as a KilogramD. Doesn't Exist
Larger than a kilogram
The Aurora Borealis can be seen only in the:A. WinterB. SummerC. Southern HemisphereD. Northern Hemisphere
1The three important properties of sound waves are:A. Wavelength, Speed, & CrestB. Speed, Frequency, & ReflectionC.Wavelength, Frequency, & VibrationD. Wavelength, Frequency, & Speed
Wavelength, Frequency, & Speed
Between what two planets can most of the asteroids in the solar system be found?A. Mars & JupiterB. Saturn & JupiterC. Earth & MarsD. Mercury & Venus
Mars & Jupiter
At room temperature, an element is:A. GasB. Liquid or GasC. Gas or SolidD. Liquid, Gas, or Solid
Liquid, Gas, or Solid
The elements hydrogen and helium comprise what percentage of almost all matter in the Universe?A. 75%B. 82%C. 90%D. 98%